Vaccinating in Never, Never Land
By Phil Stone 11.15.2020

Jo Flinders
3 min readNov 29, 2020


I went for an outdoor cuppa’ joe with a good friend, and I was inspired to create a collage and also to post one of his pieces on a very particularly interesting issue…Nanobots and genetic engineering in the medical industry!!!… Though his candor may shake you from your seat a bit, the facts which are at the root of the danger of these technologies have remained unchanged and are cited at the end of the article in case anyone wishes to follow up or trace the contours of his perspective. -Jo Flinders

There was a story a long time ago in the early 2000’s about the development of nanotechnology, the crown jewel of the science of the future.. Want to cure cancer, the common cold, HIV--send in the nanobots. You may not be able to control the outcome of the future in a favorable fashion with an H-bomb as there would be little left of the world to gain control over. But if you had little robots invisible to the eye that play to whatever tune you might wish to hear, you could have the world at your fingertips in the form of a programmed re-organization of the living world as mankind would recreate it in his own image.(1)

I myself believe that we recreate the world in our own image everyday, whether we are good at it or aware of it- or whether we come from a mind-set of dominance or humility, for that matter.

Yet in the early days of nano-tech the hold-up, which is a very similiar situation to the hold-up on gene-splicing, was: you may not be able to stop the experiment once it has started. (2)

How do you retain the allegiance of something you can’t see or totally round back up once it’s into the gene pool in the world. Release a batch into the world and all of the sudden you’ve got it in rainwater, in leaves, in trees, in grass, in the tooth enamel of little children, in candy bars…. You name it, it will travel, this nano-tech…

Nanobots to cure disease. Nanobots to cure obesity. Nanobots you can eat without ever needing to worry over food again. Mankind, with I myself included, have the curious habit of dreaming through a lens with a very narrow field of view. We are not hardwired to see all the eventualities from all possible perspectives and angles. We have not the perceptual faculties nor the time to consider such endless possible permutations.

In the case of both gene-splicing and nanobots it may not be an explosion that all can see and know, but it is the possibility of the invisible bomb that changes the course of biological history with less than a whisper--and not just for some sick people with a terrible cold but for all species and all the earth. And though the experimental side of science is just as important as any theory, and though I am very sure it is difficult to in this case forgo the natural desire to start splicing genes and making invisible robots, it does in fact seem that in a world where patents already exist on many species of plant, we might want to think very seriously about both patents and gene-splicing before we take this technology into the weave of nature any further.



Jo Flinders

designer, researcher, philosopher, psychonaut and friendly to forgotten things…